As with beef, there many posters explaining animal care procedures, nutrition information and details about how hard farmers and ranchers work.
I really like this one that explains that chickens aren't dual purpose - certain breeds are for meat and others for laying eggs.
This little dude was trying to pet a pig - shame on his father for denying him that
simple pleasure of life.
Back in the Food Farm building, children were running amuck learning about different aspects of food production. There was a 'collect your own hen eggs' station (sorry, no picture), a cooking station where people were making sausage and then there was this fun interactive learning station.
Some kids having fun on the "Livestock Learning Wall"
Is our red meat industry important to all Australians? --> YES!
I would have taken many more pictures of the Food Farm but unfortunately I haven't yet learned how to pack a camera charger for a roadtrip - so both cameras (yes, I have two and yes, I forgot both chargers) died. So sad. Didn't get any pictures of the Opera House either.
Fantastic This is the what i was looking for.