
Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Two Favorite Super Bowl Commercials

This won't surprise any of you but I was pretty excited about a few of the Super Bowl commercials.

By far my favorite was the labrador puppy and the Budweiser Clydesdales, "Puppy Love." It sort of spoke to me since it was like watching Rooster the Rodeo Dog play with my ponies (albeit, much smaller ponies in my barn). I'm not going to lie, I teared up watching it. If you have ever owned and loved a dog or a horse, I bet you will get a little misty, too.

Second place was the Chevy "Romance" commerical, for many reasons:
1. Chevy trucks are the best
2. They incorporated the cattle business
3. Great background music
4. Herefords are easily in my top 3 favorite breeds of cattle

Anyone else think they used a horned Hereford bull to help the audience differentiate between male and female?

What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~


  1. I feel like we're kindred spirits... both those commercials were on my list too! I didn't even 'think' about the horns, but you're probably right!!!

  2. You linked to a non-official Budweiser ad video copy which was remover - do you mind updating it?
