So, you're going to be a vet, right?

Photo courtesy of America's Horse Daily

If you've ever told anyone that you're an animal science major, graduate or in the animal agriculture industry - chances are you've been asked this question "So, you're going to be a vet." And more than likely you've said, "No, I'm not pursuing a veterinary degree" (not because there's anything wrong with being a vet but because there are far fewer veterinarians than other animal agriculture career options - and vet school is REALLY HARD).

Well, if you're not going to be a vet what are you doing in animal science? Let me explain. On the way back to the ML yesterday on the train (click here to find out exactly what the ML is) I was reading the newspaper and ran across these atrocious gems in the 'Overheard on the Train' column:

Girl 1: I really can't eat anything vegetarian.
Girl 2: Why? They're made of vegetables.
Girl 1: Really?
Girl at Red Rooster: Can I please have a Rooster Roll, but instead of rooster can I have chicken?

The aforementioned examples exemplify exactly why I am an animal science student passionate about advocating for all of agriculture and educating an increasingly 'disconnected from ag' public about the farmers and ranchers who feed the world. While I would never eat a vegetarian dish, I think it is abominable that some people do not understand what they are eating or are not making educated dining choices.

It is my duty as an agriculturalist and animal scientist to strive to preserve agriculture's timeless traditions and inform people where their food comes from. That's why I'm an animal science student.

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

So, you're going to be a vet, right?

Photo courtesy of America's Horse Daily

If you've ever told anyone that you're an animal science major, graduate or in the animal agriculture industry - chances are you've been asked this question "So, you're going to be a vet." And more than likely you've said, "No, I'm not pursuing a veterinary degree" (not because there's anything wrong with being a vet but because there are far fewer veterinarians than other animal agriculture career options - and vet school is REALLY HARD).

Well, if you're not going to be a vet what are you doing in animal science? Let me explain. On the way back to the ML yesterday on the train (click here to find out exactly what the ML is) I was reading the newspaper and ran across these atrocious gems in the 'Overheard on the Train' column:

Girl 1: I really can't eat anything vegetarian.
Girl 2: Why? They're made of vegetables.
Girl 1: Really?
Girl at Red Rooster: Can I please have a Rooster Roll, but instead of rooster can I have chicken?

The aforementioned examples exemplify exactly why I am an animal science student passionate about advocating for all of agriculture and educating an increasingly 'disconnected from ag' public about the farmers and ranchers who feed the world. While I would never eat a vegetarian dish, I think it is abominable that some people do not understand what they are eating or are not making educated dining choices.

It is my duty as an agriculturalist and animal scientist to strive to preserve agriculture's timeless traditions and inform people where their food comes from. That's why I'm an animal science student.

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

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